Setting up an event or trade show is about more than just getting people to one place—it’s also about making sure essential products, collateral, demo items, furnishings and other pieces of physical inventory are able to make the trip as well.
To make sure all of the essentials for your show arrive and depart properly, count on CSS Logistics. Our domestic freight services include:
- Ground Deferred – 7 days coast to coast traveling Monday-Friday
- Monitored Time Critical – We follow your shipment from terminal to terminal to make sure it arrives timely as well as to notify you if there will be any delays (such as weather) that affects the inbound time. Freight moves on weekends.
- Monitored Accelerated – reduces transit time by 2-3 days depending on pickup to delivery points
- Air – overnight or 2nd day (inbound to show only)
Not only do we give you the options you need for transporting your goods, we make it supremely easy to take advantage of our services. Our CSS Logistics team works hand in hand with our CSS team to ensure as seamless a process as possible. Plus, all ground domestic inbound freight services feature all-inclusive flat rates. You won’t have to deal with any surprises or additional charges for the following:
- Charges by weight not dimensional weight
- Detention at the close of the show for conditions beyond your control
- Fuel surcharges
- High cost delivery area
- Home pickup/delivery
- Inside pickup/delivery
- Inspections
- Liftgate services
- Limited access pickup/delivery
- Reweight
- Weekend/after-hours pickups from show
Contact Us
Don’t worry about how you’re going to get your essential expo items to and from the venue or what’s going to happen to them during transit. Instead, partner with Convention Services of the Southwest, Inc. and CSS Logistics to make sure everything is accounted for and properly handled.
For questions regarding freight charges, pricing or logistics, please consult with a member of our team today by calling 505-243-9889 and we’ll be happy to provide you with answers.